
Installation Guide


Ensure that you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

Step 1: Clone the GoMelan Repository

Open your terminal and run the following command to clone the GoMelan repository:

git clone
cd GoMelan 

Step 2: Build GoMelan with Make

Build the GoMelan project using your preferred build system. For example, using Stack:


Step 3: You can now run GoMelan!

Run the GLaDOS interpreter/compiler:

> ./glados --help
gomelan version 1.0.0, (C) 2023 GIACOMEL Marie - HEIN Guillaume - HOURTOULLE
Tristan - PARENTEAU Thomas - ROSSIGNON Lucas

gomelan [COMMAND] ... [OPTIONS]
  Gomelan program able to parse and execute Gomelan programmation language

Common flags:
  -h --help             Display help message
     --version          Print version information
     --numeric-version  Print just the version number
  -v --verbose          Loud verbosity
  -q --quiet            Quiet verbosity

gomelan build [OPTIONS] FILE
  Build Gomelan

  -o --out=FILE         Output file

gomelan run [OPTIONS] FILE
  Run Gomelan

gomelan interactive [OPTIONS] [FILE]
  Run Gomelan in interactive mode.
  1. Compile a GoMelan script into a binary

    ./glados build YOUR_FILE
  2. Then execute the binary

    ./glados run out.gomc

You also can run some unit tests by using the following command

  1. Run the tests

    make tests_run

Compatible Systems

GoMelan was tested on linux and MacOS. The import system in GoMelan might not work on Windows.

Last updated